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[Click or tap here to watch the LiveStream Archive VIDEOS from this series]

“ReMEmber” (07-07-24)

A King That Fails Warns Me of Sin’s Consequences –1 Kings 12:20

“OvercoME” (07-14-24)

A King Without Example Encourages Me To Overcome –2 Peter 1:3

“FlaMEout” (07-21-24)

A King Missing Guardrails Cautions Me to Wake Up! –Proverbs 4:23

[This week we watched a video from speaker Levi Lusko of Fresh Life Church. This video can be found by clicking or tapping here.]

“CommitMEnt” (07-28-24)

A King Who Stands Apart Shows Me Commitment –2 Kings 23:25

“BlaME” (08-04-24)

A King’s Weak Intentions Teach Me that Obedience Matters –Romans 1:25

“OverwhelMEd” (08-11-24)

A King Lacking Courage Challenges Me: Faith or Fear? –Psalm 23:4

“WelcoMEd” (08-18-24)

A King’s Foolish Alliance Cautions Me to Choose Wisely –Proverbs 13:20

“IncoME” (08-25-24)

A King Achieving Success Reminds Me It’s All from God –Romans 12:3