It's Elementary - June 2015

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Click or Tap on a Point Title Below to Listen Now or Download mp3 File. Click or Tap on The Handout Title to View, Save, or Print the Handouts from It’s Elementary (requires Adobe Reader)

“Longing” (06-07-15)

It’s Important: Studying the Bible –1 Peter 2:2

“Longing” (06-07-15) HANDOUT

Pr’me Group Discussion Guide “Longing” (06-07-15)

“Looking” (06-14-15)

It’s Observation: Looking for Clues –Joshua 1:8a

“Looking” (06-14-15) HANDOUT

Pr’me Group Discussion Guide “Looking” (06-14-15)

“Learning” (06-21-15)

It’s Interpretation: Discovering Answers –2 Timothy 2:15

“Learning” (06-21-15) HANDOUT

Pr’me Group Discussion Guide “Learning” 0(6-21-15)

“Living” (06-28-15)

It’s Application: Doing What It Says –James 1:22

“Living” (06-28-15) HANDOUT

Pr’me Group Discussion Guide “Living” (06-28-15)

 Click here to read A Biblical Baseball Game, a funny case of twisting the Bible to make it say whatever you want.

Click or tap here to check out the updated It’s [still] Elementary Point series!